Saturday, October 21, 2017

Sugar-Free Tater Salad: BMI = 31.0

All the prepared potato salad I can find these days has a lot of added sugar. I can’t even find a commercial mayo that doesn’t have added sugar. I like commercial mayo from a food-safe standpoint but I can make my homemade mayo just as safe by leaving out the eggs.

So everything you need to make this great, sugar-free, food-safe potato salad is pictured above. Correction, I forgot to get the oil in the pic so you’ll need some safflower or sunflower seed oil.

Start by peeling a cubing about 1.5 kg of yellow potatoes. We’ll be stretching the sauce with some no-fat yoghurt, so if you want to stay totally vegan then just use 1 kg potatoes or you won’t have enough sauce.

I boil my potatoes in a pasta pot which makes it easy to drain them after cooking.

That way I can get them into a cold water bath asap to stop the cooking and get the temperature lowered quickly – an important step for food safety.

Next we’ll start making the sauce. We’ll take some liquid from the can of chick peas to act as an emulsifier (aquafaba).

So in a blender or blending cup we’ll use 50g of that aquafaba, juice of half a lemon, big tablespoon of Dijon, tablespoon of horseradish, and about 60 grams of diced olives.

I blended that with 291 grams of sunflower oil and got a really thick mayo. I checked the seasoning and found the olives gave me all the salt I wanted in the mayo so I just had to add a little pepper.

I minced up about half a kilo of other veggies. I think celery, carrot, and red onion are essential. This time I also added some red bell pepper but sometimes I add radish. I’m also going to drain the chick peas and add them because I happen to have an open can of chick peas on hand.

So mix about 200 grams of no-fat yoghurt into the mayo (or not if you want to keep this vegan) and then mash a big handful of the cubed/cooked potatoes into the sauce.

This step goes better in a food processor but I don’t have one. This sauce was too thick for my stick blender to further process so I just smashed the potatoes up as best as I could. This makes for a very thick, creamy potato salad dressing.

I added in the rest of the potato, then buried it in minced veggies and garbanzo beans to put the ‘salad’ back into my potato salad. Mix it all together well (photo not included because it looked horrible). If well refrigerated, this salad can be kept for the better part of a week.

To make it more photogenic, serve it on a bed of leaf lettuce and garnish with paprika to make a photo for your blog. You’re welcome.

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